How much do you know about Anti-counterfeiting market?

Preventing the counterfeiting of sensitive and vulnerable products is a big business globally and one in which packaging plays a crucial role on the front lines in thwarting crime that causes economic damage and risks the health and potentially the lives of consumers.
How big? Unfortunately, it is a large and growing market: It is forecast to reach $128.6 billion by 2019, according to the Anti-Counterfeiting Packaging Market from Markets and Markets. The report notes that these brand protection techniques are used to curtail the use of counterfeit products in the food and pharmaceutical markets, among numerous other sectors.
It is also a market that hits close to home for those in the United States: The report identifies North America as the largest market in 2014 supporting anti-counterfeit, anti-tampering and authentication technologies followed by Europe. The fastest growing market for anti-counterfeit technologies is Asia-Pacific where there is increasing awareness about counterfeit products penetrating the region.
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